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My father-in-law Don Wood was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in May 2010. 
Idiopathic means the cause is unknown and there is not cure or any type of standard medical treatment.  He has been through a few different clinical studies to see if specific medications would be of benefit for him or other patients with IPF.   Don has been in and out of the hospital trying to find anything that would help him breathe, and/or stop the coughing fits. 
Just recently in June he has started to deteriorate rapidly. He is getting weaker by the day and needs more oxygen just to push a cart around the store or even make his bed. 
As he continues to see his Pulmonologist they run more breathing tests and they see his lung capacity continues to drop more rapidly than before.  His Dr.’s have said he may not need a lung transplant tomorrow but the time will come where it is his only hope.  
The first of July he signed a consent form for a lung transplant and next week they will be doing extensive testing to determine if he is eligible to be on the waiting list.  

Please help us in this 5k fundraiser  to take some of the financial burden off Don's shoulders.

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